[00:00] Ignition 8 comes with a new interface for working with tags. In this video, we'll be walking through the layout and basic features of this interface. To start, we'll come over to our tag browser in the designer here and we'll see that I have a couple tags configured already. Now, let's say I wanted to edit one of my existing tags. Doing this is very simple, I can simply right-click on my tag and select edit tag. I could also double-click on the tag directly, might be a bit faster. So, for example, if I canceled out of this and then double-clicked on my tag, the tag editor would again come up. And however we'd like to do it, the end result is that we pull up the tag editor for our tag. From here, we're provided a full list of the configurable properties of our tag. And just to start out, we have basic properties that control, for example, the name of our tag or what tag group it's in. Old ramayan songs free download. We also have value properties. The kinds of value properties we're provided will vary based on the type of our tag.
About ID3 Tag Editor. ID3 Tag Editor is a free audio file data tagging ID3 format editor, support ID3 tag version include: ID3v1 and ID3v2, this audio tool can read and write metadata tags for MP3, FLAC, Ogg-Vorbis, Monkey's Audio, Musepack, and Shorten audio files with full Unicode support, this software is freeware and completely free, it is free personal, commercial, and non-profit use. Tag: this project contains classes need to read and write tag information. TagInfoControls: Provides many controls to view and edit Tag information and this controls can be used to design a Tag editor fast. TagEditor: Is an application used both previous project to make a complete and professional ID3 and WMA tag editor. Setup: Makes setup to.
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[01:02] So just to demonstrate, I have a memory tag selected here, but if I cancel and double-click on my OPC tag here, we can see that now we have an OPC server property and an OPC item path property. Next we have numeric properties, these deal with things like scaling or engineering units we'd like to use for our tag. And then scrolling down a little bit, we have meta data properties, these give us the opportunity to describe our tag in ways that will help other users and developers of our project. You can see, for example, that I've already configured documentation on this tag and it's already being displayed when we open up the tag editor. From the tag editor, we can also configure security, scripting, alarms or tag history. I'd also like to mention that there's a taskbar up above. From here we can, for example, rearrange our properties alphabetically or by category, which is the default. I can also collapse or expand the categories. And finally, the little plus icon here gives us the opportunity to configure a custom property on our tag.
Video Tag Editor Windows 10
[00:00] [02:05] Now you might have noticed I've already configured a custom property if I scroll down here. You can see under the custom category, I've created a property called My Custom Property. Now, I can select this property and delete it using the trashcan icon. I'm going to click yes, and again, to create properties, I'll click the plus icon, I just need to give it a name, New Property's fine and a type, so I'll make mine an array. And I'll click okay and if I scroll down again, we can see that my new property is here. So, just a couple more useful features in the tag editor I'd like to discuss. We have a refresh button up here that allows us to pull in any changes made to this tag from another designer. Also, down below we can see that by default, we're showing documentation for this tag, as specified on the documentation property. But if I'd like, I could also see some tag diagnostics here. And you can see, we're just provided with some information about our tag, since it's an OPC tag, we're also getting some OPC information as well. So, that about covers everything there is to know about the new tag editor, I'm just going to click okay. So, that about wraps up how we can interact with tag properties in the designer. In future videos, we'll dig a bit deeper into how to configure specific tag properties.