I understand you have questions regarding the performance and capability of ZBrush with the new MacBook Pro. While I am unable to tell you how it would perform running this software, I would recommend taking a look at the Highly Recommended Specifications for Mac in the link below. These specifications may help you choose the best system for your needs.
I would also suggest reaching out to Pixologic's support community to see if anyone else has experiencing with this program and the system you are interested in.
Also, feel free to reach out to our Sales staff if you need additional assistance.
Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
Macbook Pro 2020 Zbrush
ZBrush Digital Art Award. Winner will receive: US$3,000 cash, generously donated by sponsor Pixologic ZBrush, a digital sculpting tool that combines 3D/2.5D modeling, texturing and painting; A beautiful specially commissioned art glass trophy. Will My MacBook Pro Run Maya and ZBrush? Tags 3D, hardware, macbook, Maya, pro, software, specs, system, ZBrush 2011-04-10 0 Views 7 Comments Ryan Pierson In a recent email, a reader asked, “What specifications should I outfit the new MacBook Pro with to allow it to easily run CPU intensive programs such as Maya. 2 points 1 year ago. The 2018 macbook pro has a known overheating issue. You might want to make sure your computer has the patch Apple made to try to fix it. 1 point 1 year ago. I believe that is only with the i9 model and OP has an i7. AppleInsider has the new base model 13-inch MacBook Pro on hand, and we wanted to see whether the single fan design on this new MacBook Pro is a problem for the thermal condition and, as such, the.
Macbook Pro 16 Zbrush
Nov 16, 2016 7:44 AM